Monday, January 19, 2009

People Respond to the Little Things

I came across the blog of an artist and I was just scrolling down the page, looking at his paintings, which were good, but really of no consequence to me.  Then there was a short break in the paintings for a few sketches, which were still of little consequence to me, but the last one (that I got to) caught my attention.  It was a sketch of man and above him was scrawled his (I assume) name: Bill Strickland.  Under his name, the artist had written: 

people respond to the little things.
beautiful things - flowers-

The artist explained in his post that he was at a conference (for artists) and this guy, Bill Strickland presented the closing remarks, which were received with a standing ovation from a crowd of designers.  So, the guy must have been inspiring.  I felt inspired just by the notes this artist took (and the lovely sketch of Bill).  I don't know what it meant to the artist and the way he painted, but I know what it means to me as a mother and wife and I don't take it to mean that I need to rearrange the furniture.  To me, it means even the smallest improvement in our surroundings will shape my family for the better, whether it's the music we play, a fresh coat of paint, being more organized, or cleaning the kitchen more consistently.  I think it's a reminder that I'll always come back to:  environment shapes behavior and people respond to the little things.  To me it says, "You can affect change in others, even by doing little things!"

P.S. If you're interested in this artist, you can find him at

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