Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday's Family

When Patrick and I were kind of dating (as in we saw each other almost every day but didn't quite call it dating), we attended a church conference together where the subject of most of the talks ended up being marriage. It was awkward, to say the least, especially because we weren't really calling our relationship dating at that point. For most of it, I just sat there, stiffly twidling my thumbs, waiting for the end to come, but somehow, though I mostly wasn't listening, I came home having gleaned one new and valuable piece of knowledge which I will share now:
A new family starts at marriage.

The speaker (Elder John H. Groberg, if you must know) explained that it is a pretty common thing for newly weds to be asked by the likes of some unfortunately awkward great aunt or next door neighbor, "So when are you two going to start your family?" Meaning, "When are you going to start multiplying like rabbits?"
Other than being just plain inappropriate and slightly rude to ask anyone this question, it is also implying that a family is only a family when there are children in it.
The correct answer to that question would be, "We just did!"
Elder Groberg helped me realize (or maybe think about for the first time) that marriage creates a family, not children. I could say a lot more about this and tell you more of what he said in that meeting and maybe I will some other day, but I'm bringing it up right now as an introduction to another family that is very special to me.

The Murrays- Jordan and Diana

They have been married for almost two years, have moved more times than I hope to ever have to, are successful at pursuing goals and working really really hard, and have two wonderful little cats. They are great people, lots of fun to hang out with, and for being so young, they have a wealth of experience and knowledge. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my only brother Jord & his lovely wife Diana.

My Questions:Their Answers

One Word to describe your family/marriage: FUN

3 things you like to do together: watch movies, play pool, play boardgames

The most enjoyable place you have lived: Gilbert, AZ in our new home

favorite place to eat out together: Olive Garden

the best thing about Arizona?: the weather
The worst thing about Arizona?: it it not very green, it lacks trees and grass and the smell of sulfur and cow manure a few miles down the road that could ruin any appetite, probably peel the paint off your car and make you want to hold your breath until the next town over, is not very pleasant!

How have you coped with moving so much?: The only thing we really have to cope with is packing up our stuff and lugging it cross country but it's fun to have change, see different cities and experience new cultures. So it's not that bad.

How many times have you moved exactly?: 8 times since April 07
Favorite vacation: Our cruise to Mexico has pretty much been our only vacation. It was such a nice break after our first summer with security sales, and a great reward for the hard work Jordan and I both did that long, stressful summer!

Plans for the future: We both can't wait to be parents, so that is number one on our list. As for career wise, Jordan is still with security, managing and working hard, as for me, well I plan to finish school soon and put that degree to use! We both want to be financially free... and know that we can provide for our children, our family, and not have to worry about not having enough time or money.

What is a trial your family has experienced and how did you get through it?: The stress of not having a place to call home (until recently). It’s stressful to constantly be packing and unpacking and never actually getting settled in. We have a lot of friends but they all live in different parts of the country, which makes it hard to keep in touch. Now we are in our new home, and we don’t have to worry about where we have to go next.

What is the quality you like best about your family? We are always forgiving. We know that everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect, we try to be understanding and forgiving as best as we can and I love that about us.

What color(s) do you (plan to) decorate your kitchen? Reds

Do you and Jordan have a favorite song? Stolen, by Dashboard Confessionals

Family life would be simpler if.....The rest of our family did not live on the other side of the country! ::wink wink::


  1. I really like your new blog. I remember this conference. well, I remember attending it and sleeping through most of it because James and I had stayed up all night becoming more than just friends. Those are the roots of our famiy!

  2. How cute! I miss them. I'm so happy to hear they are doing well. Who did Diana's hair in her wedding pictures? It looks fabulous!
